We founded Beric out of a genuine desire to continue and evolve the local knife tradition by introducing new products to the market.
We are lifelong friends, and business partners. As kids we used to linger in the workshops of Maniago’s craftsmen, among lathes and grindstones, secrets and ancient wisdom. Our knives, as well as sheaths, components, and packaging are made in Maniago, an Italian town known to the world as “City of Knives”.
Well aware that no good project succeeds without proper analysis and planning, we constantly work on refining our ideas availing of the collaboration of experienced professionals. Some say that we are finicky. This is only because the craftsmen we have admired at work all these years have passed on to us their love for things done well.

In the tradition of Northeastern Italy, where we live, BERIC is a small yet sturdy creature, with long hair and a tangled beard, a natural born fighter, fit, cunning and vengeful. A mischievous, restless dwarf that haunted the afternoons of our childhood.
“We used to climb up Mount Jôuf searching for his lair amid the remains of the twelfth-century castle overlooking Maniago, our hometown. Keeper of nature, solitary and introvert, he chose to live deep in the forest, away from civilization… we’d all love to do that sometimes, wouldn’t we?
This was our upbringing: curious and wild just like Beric. And the more we grew up, the more his spirit became our creative energy.
Next time you walk through the woods, keep your eyes peeled and maybe you’ll see BERIC hiding in the foliage, wearing his distinctive blood-red hat.”

Along with our core business, we have included the following goals in our corporate statute:
development of the local economy;
promotion of the growth of skills and practices of our suppliers;
social and enviromental sustainability;
use of energy from renewable sources.